Thursday, October 24, 2013

Avery and I got an 8 Point Buck!

This is what Avery wears to go deer hunting...isn't she a cutie?!

Not exactly camo and hunter's orange, but on Tuesday morning we weren't planning on doing any hunting.

We bundled up and headed to work/daycare on in the dark and fog.  We had just gotten to the bottom of a big hill when the two cars in front of me suddenly pulled off the side of the road.  I slowed down to keep from hitting them and headed around the curve.  As soon as I came around the curve, I saw a huge 8 point buck running across the road right in front of me.  You may wonder how in that split second I could tell how big of a deer he was, but it was like time stood still for a second.  He looked at me and I looked at him.  I thought...I'm going to hit this deer and of course it has to be a big one - not the small does that we see all the time!

I slammed on my brakes, but couldn't avoid him.  There was a horrible crunching sound and I could see stuff flying off the front of my car.  I pulled off the side of the road into someone's driveway and immediately went to check on Avery.  She didn't seem phased so I called Adam.  Apparently I sounded very calm so after he asked if we were okay and had me check out the damage he teased me saying that I was driving too fast.  Then I just lost it, hung up on him and started bawling!  He called right back to apologize and we decided to go ahead and take Avery to the ER to get her checked out since my neck/shoulders were already sore.  After a quick check, the ER doc said everything was fine and I felt much better knowing that my baby was ok.  Hopefully this was her first and only ER visit!

My car wasn't too badly damaged and I am very thankful that we bought a bigger SUV.  If we would have been in my Terrain, we would have had a deer on my windshield.  They will have to replace the grill and maybe the front bumper.

Melissa said I should have gotten the deer so I could mount the antlers...I'll be sure to keep straps in my car so I can haul it on my hood if it happens again.  Ha!

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