Friday, May 3, 2013

It Can Only Get Better From Here

I started back to work on Wednesday.  I have been dreading this day for a while, but I was also a little excited to be able to use my brain for something other than remembering the words to kids songs - ha!

I was as prepared as possible.  I had taken all Avery's gear down to Melissa's on Monday so we would have less to deal with on Wednesday morning.  I had cleaned out my closet, picked out outfits, defrosted milk from my stash, got everything together for my pump, etc.

I couldn't sleep Tuesday night.  I think I finally fell asleep at around midnight only to wake up again at 3:00 a.m.  Since my alarm went off at 4:00 a.m., I only got 3 hours of sleep.  Everything that morning went dressed from 4-5, feed Avery at 5:00 and with lots of help from Adam, was out the door by 5:45.  We made it to Melissa's by 6:45, I fed Avery again and headed to work.  On the way to work, I drove past a pond and there was a momma goose and her gooslings dead in the middle of the was so sad!  I was on edge anyway and cried half of the way to work.  Luckily I made it to work right in time to walk in the door at 8:00.

I had a meeting from 9 - 11, so at 8:30 I headed into the "Mother's Room" to pump.  Our mother's rooms are really nice.  They have a common area with a sink, fridge, microwave and full length mirror and it has 2 separate rooms with glider chairs a table and individual thermostats.  They have several in each building so there is always a good comfortable place to pump.

I noticed that I didn't get much during my pumping session, but just chalked it up to stress.  I quickly headed over to another building for my meeting.  It was time to pump again around lunch.  I decided to pump before eating so I headed back to the mother's room.  I got everything set up started pumping...all of a sudden my pump started making weird noises and quit working!!!  Keep in mind that this pump is only a few months old.  I started freaking out.  At this point it was 12:15.  I had another pump at home (thank goodness!) but it takes about 40 min to drive home and I had a meeting at 1:30.  I had no other choice.  I ran out to my car, flew home, pumped, ate a cold hamburger patty while pumping, grabbed a stale cinnamon roll for dessert and flew back to the office.  I missed my 1:30 and after practically running through the parking lot I barely made my 2:00 meeting.

After all that running around, I had horrible blisters on my feet.  Helpful hint - don't wear heels on your first day back from maternity leave if you haven't worn them in over a year and are going to be walking all over the Walmart Home Office campus!

I was so thankful that Melissa was able to meet me with Avery at the Pleasant Grove Walmart so I didn't have to drive all the way to Fayetteville.  I was so happy to see my sweet little girl!!!!

I don't think I would have made it through the day without knowing that she was in such good hands with her Aunt Sissy.  Melissa did a great job of sending me pictures throughout the day, so I knew Avery was having a blast and getting spoiled by the Pitts crew.

Thankfully yesterday went much smoother.  I took today off and am loving spending time with my little girl.  I guess she must be worn out from all the excitement at the Pitts' because she is taking really good naps this morning.

Here's some pics of Avery's adventures.

It's a good thing she was strapped in!  Look at that little girl sitting up!

Jayden took this pic of her sucking her thumb :)

As you can see, she got plenty of attention!

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