Saturday, May 25, 2013

4 Months Old

Weight: 12lbs 14oz (50th percentile)
Length: 24" (50th percentile)

Clothes: 3-6 months.  I've started dressing you in regular clothes everyday instead of just leaving you in pjs. You have so many cute outfits that I want you to get a chance to wear them

Diapers:  Just moved to size 3 and they fit you perfectly!

Schedule: You eat 7 times per day.  You have 2 feedings in the morning before I go to work, 3 - 4oz bottles while I'm at work and two feedings before you go to sleep.  We are still starting your bedtime ritual at 8:00 p.m.  You've had a few nights that you woke up for a middle of the night feeding this month but it was during your growth spurt.  I actually didn't mind it too bad because we got extra cuddle time.

The rest of your schedule is still a little crazy since you are adjusting to staying with your Cici.  Sometimes you take great naps for her and sometimes you don't.  Hopefully you'll start napping like a champ everyday for Cici soon so she can get some stuff done during the day. :)

Temperament/Personality: You still have such a great personality.  You LOVE attention.  Anytime we are  out in public you smile and laugh for anyone that will pay attention to you.  The couple of times you have been up at the office, you have keep everyone very entertained.

Likes: You are doing great in your exersaucer now and can really play with all the toys.  You still love your activity mat and baths.  We transitioned you from your infant tub to the big bath tub a few weeks ago and you love to kick your legs and splash during bathtime.  We read a book every evening while your daddy is cooking dinner and you like to look at all the pictures and try to help me turn the pages.

You have also started to hold the blanket your Aunt Sissy gave you and rub it on your face when you are cute!

Dislikes:  Being hungry...that's sure to get a scream out of you

Happenings:  You have started rolling over during tummy time. 

You are grabbing at everything!  My hair, necklaces, food on the table, our faces, toys.  I'm so excited that you are finally able to actually grasp things and not just swat at them.  

You are still trying really hard to sit up and your Aunt Sissy has seen you scoot (but we haven't gotten to see it yet).  You also are learning new sounds.  For a while she was doing this sweet high pitched squealing and now she is always making a low groaning sound.  I can never tell if she is fussing or just talking!

We are still adjusting to mommy going back to work, but you have been such a good sport.  We are so lucky to have your Aunt Sissy and Cici & Pop take care of you this summer.  You are getting tons of loving and getting some great quality time with them.  Thanks Aunt Sissy, Cici and Pop!!

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