Thursday, March 21, 2013

2 Months

It's getting a little harder to take her picture.  She kept looking around instead of at the camera!

Weight: 11 lbs 2 oz - 50th percentile

Length: 23.5 inches - 90th percentile

Head:  14.5 inches - 20th percentile

Clothes: 0-3 months and 3-6 months.  She has outgrown most of her footed pj's.  They are too short and the feet are too small. 

Diapers:  She has moved to a size 2 diaper! 

Schedule: You are doing great with your schedule!  You have consistent wake time and usually take fairly decent naps.  You usually eat every 2.5 - 3 hours, stay awake for about 1.5 hours, then take a 1.5 hour nap.  

You have recently dropped your middle of the night feeding!  I had read that according to the book, you should be sleeping 9-10 hours without a feeding around this time.  I mentioned it to your daddy and he said that you probably would sleep if I didn't jump up to feed you so quickly in the middle of the night.  I usually didn't wait for you to cry to get you up and feed you.  As soon as you started to stir, I would get you up to eat.

So we tried to just give you your paci or bounce you for a few minutes if you woke up.  If you would have started to cry, then I would have feed you, but you didn't!  You slept from 8:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. for 3 nights in row.  Let's hope you keep it up!  The bad thing is that I still wake up for your feeding and can't go back to sleep.  Maybe I need to get on the same schedule as you!

Temperament/Personality: You are still a very happy baby.  Since you started to smile, you smile all the time!  

Likes: You still love to play on your activity mat and talking to your mommy and daddy.  We sing lots of songs and are still reading a chapter of Little Women every night.  

Dislikes: There isn't much that you just doesn't like.  You like baths now that I crank the heat up high before we put you in the tub.  You have even gotten better about letting me put you in your carseat.  The only time you are really fussy is when you are sleepy.  When you are really sleepy, you start to rub your face and grab at your hair.

Happenings: Not only are you smiling, but you also coo and squeal when you get really excited.  You are doing great at tummy time and with your head control.  The doc said that he was very impressed with your strength!  I can also tell that you can see better, you stare at me and your daddy and will follow toys with your eyes.

Doctor's Report: You are right on track.  He said you have wonderful strength and should be rolling within the next month.  He was surprised at how much tummy time you will tolerate - and here I thought we weren't doing enough!  You are still a perfect little girl :)

I really feel like we are getting the hang of this.  I'm so glad that I still have 6 weeks left at home with you, but I know if will go by too fast.

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